People try a wide range of techniques to lose weight, often with less than desirable results. A combination of a healthy diet, regular exercise and colonic therapy is effective to help you lose weight. Congestion in the colon caused by impacted waste makes it difficult to lose weight and this impacted waste can be seen in the distended abdomen.
Colonic lose weight therapy removes this impacted waste and improves the function of the bowel. Waste accumulates in the bowel over time, becoming hard and causing sluggish bowel movements and constipation. This impacted waste begins to break down over time, causing toxins to be released into the body. The response in the body is to slow down the function of the digestive system and other systems of the body.
A colonic helps lose weight by cleansing the colon and removing the waste and toxins from the body. Over several sessions, the impacted waste is gently flushed away with water, massage and pressure points. This technique removes more waste than any of the short term solutions to constipation you may have tried, such as laxatives and enemas.
The colon therapists at Five Star Colonic are highly trained experienced and are National Certified Colon Hydrotherapists. We use the best state of the art equipment to ensure a comfortable and effective colon lose weight treatment. The session is conducted to honor your dignity and comfort in water temperature and massage techniques. Learn more about the benefits of colon hydrotherapy on our website and contact our office to schedule an appointment.